Tuesday, March 31, 2009

1 week

So 1 week and we get induced. I am dilated 4 and 90% effaced. She wants me to be at the hospital at 6am to check in then she will come in and break my water. Oh the excitment and fear all in one. I am so happy that Maurice is home and we do not have to worry if he is going to make it or not. I am delivering at Ogden Regional Hospital. (801) 479-2111 (800) 237-9194 (toll-free)
She did say that it could be sooner since I am almost there. We will see.
Hope all is well with everyone.


  1. It's getting close. Hope all goes well. I am surprised they are waiting since you are already at a 4. I had one on the day I was at 3 and the other on the day when I was at 4. Good luck.

  2. Oh, oh! I am so excited! Sounds like you could go even earlier if you are already dilated to a 4! I can't wait!

    Thank you so much for all of your support. I know it only takes one. It was just a little shocking. And I am still in a lot of pain. I took work off today again. Jon is gone and I am flat on my back. Hopefully that will help. The pain is a lot better this afternoon.

    **Happy delivery thoughts** and huge ((HUGS))!

  3. Yay! I am betting you will deliver before next week! I can't believe you are already a 4 and 90% effacing. I was a 2 for weeks and even up until the delivery day. Don't be scared, you will do great! Please fill me in.

  4. Wow! I would be surprised if you make it to next week. Good luck with everything and can't wait to see pictures and hear how everything went.

  5. I hope all goes will. Looking forward to seeing yall soon and the baby.

  6. Good luck, and remember if could take a week or so to dilate, but glad you have it all plained and figure out.

  7. Happy day- can't wait until we see pictures of your sweet little guy- take care
    and super happy that Maurice is home!

  8. Good Luck!!!!!!!! Don't forget to BREATH and tell Maurice to stay out of your face.heehee

  9. oh my goodness -- wonderful news -- I can hardly wait!!
