Our little angel is 11 weeks old. I can not believe how much he has already changed. He is so loving and just smiles all the time. Its not hard at all to get a picture of him smiling. It doesnt matter if he is hungry or needs a changing just always smiling. We feel so blessed to have him here with us everyday. I can not imagine him not in our lives. We may have waited for this little guy far too many years but he is so much worth the wait.
Maurice and I were invited by his boss to go to the new Temple Oquirrh Mountain. This was the first time for both of us to see what one looks like inside before it gets dedicated. I have to say it was beautiful.
Fathers Day. We went to Church and just hung out before Maurice had to leave. It was great to celebrate his first Father's Day together.
Parker is doing great and just getting bigger every day. He is such a good baby and always happy. My grandmother flew in from Indiana and was able to spend time here. On our way to ?Moab to spend some time with Maurice while he works. Cant wait!!
Parker and I drove to Colorado for a visit. My niece Ashley decided to get baptised and we wanted to be able to share her special day with her. It was beautiful as she was as well.